Hooks Herrgård’s surrounding nature never cease to amaze us. And we’re trying to care for it the best we can which is why sustainability is in everything we do. One thing is maintaining our very own water supply and another thing being that we try to choose products that are locally produced. As a testimony of our dedication to nature we have been certified by the Swedish Swan label and therefore meet their tough environmental and climate requirements.
Organic and local
Are we running next door to get the carrots we serve on your wedding dinner? Almost. We love our menus being as locally produced as possible. One of the reasons why, is because of the overflow of great producers nearby, that we love to support. But overall the quality and sustainability aspects are the prominent factors why we try to choose products from local suppliers and Swedish farms.
Our pursuit to be in the forefront in making sustainable environment choices means we also try to use organic products as much as we can. It’s also visible in the wide range of vegetarian and vegan options on our menu.
Sustainability in more ways on Hooks Herrgård
Even the warm feeling at Hooks Herrgård comes from more than the staff, it’s also thanks to pellets from Hook which heats the entire premise. We use a food waste mill that converts food waste into biogas and gradually replaces our golf machines to electric powered ones. We have worked hard for an R license that describes and captures our pursuit of a sustainable business and ethical approach. We simply do everything we can to reduce our climate impact and contribute to a better, healthier world.